
Your Vision

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Established in the year 2000, Global Facilities Management Sdn. Bhd. is the operating company of GFM Services Berhad and one of Malaysia’s premier facilities management service provider.

GFM has been a practitioner of facilities management for nearly two decades. We have been manager and consultant for diverse types of built environments and in various stages of its’ asset lifecycle, locally and abroad.

Throughout our history, we have strived to maintain the highest service quality by adhering to international quality management standards.

International Experience

United Arab Emirates, Qatar & Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

International Experience


Current Operational Offices

Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Johor & Sarawak




As at 30th September 2022



Main Market

As at 30th September 2022

0 +

Number Of Staffs

As at 30th September 2022

RM 0


Cumulative Project Value Executed

0 +

Million Sq. Ft.(Gross Floor Area - GFA)

Total Area Managed

As at 30th September 2022


On-Going Projects

As at 30th September 2022

Our Values

We shall treat our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers & the community with dignity, fairness & respect. We shall conduct our business with high ethical standards.

Our Brand Essence

The GFM brand essence is the strategic core of the business. It is the foundation upon which all internal and external brand experiences are built. Ultimately, our brand goal is for our brand essence to be top of mind.


GFM’s brand is essentially made up of the three brand virtues that we refer to as the GFM Brand Essence. They are Innovative, Reliable and Strategic Partnering.


The application or inception of an idea or invention as an improvement or elevation into a process or service that positively impacts or creates value (efficiency, efficacy, economic) along our service delivery line. At GFM, we are conscious about being innovative in what we do on a daily basis. The outcome of being innovative is continuous improvement.


Being reliable is at the core of the GFM experience. With us, our partners and stakeholders are assured of getting what they sign up for. At GFM, we walk the talk and consistently do everything within our control to deliver on our promises.

Strategic Partnering

At GFM, we are focused on the provision and delivery of services to support the customer in focusing on their core business on sustainable and successful basis. This is borne by the desire and liability to work together towards a mutually beneficial outcome. The work we do for the customer supports them in realizing their vision.

Our Awards & Achievements

Career & Opportunities

Come join us and take the opportunity to excel as a team.

Contact Us

GFM has been a practitioner of facilities management for nearly two decades. We have been manager and consultant for diverse types of built environments.